Wiggle, Wiggle little Worm on the end of my hook. Down, down, into the water you go......
Wiggle, wiggle and wiggle some more............SNAP goes the trout.......
Fried up and served with some pancakes for breakfast.
Well, hopefully anyways.
Hubby and I are loading the fishing poles up and heading out to a small unknown creek that will hopefully have a handful or two of some sweet tasting brookies.
Living in Nevada does not give one an abundance of fishing spots.
Especially if you actually want to eat the fish.
Most of the places around here that offer fishing, also offer mercury,arsenic and other fun stuff in the fish(past mining operations).
Both hubby and myself started fishing when we were youngun's.
We had so much fun, that when our kid's came along, we went out and bought some fishing poles for kids and started them fishing.
Although, the only one who actually owns a fishing pole today is our daughter. Both of our sons kinda veered from that family tradition.
good luck catching something for the dinner plate (or breakfast!)